Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Facts Matter

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
--Mark Twain

We have a feature in HomeSchool Advantage where a
student can send us a message about a fact. We hope
that students will use this feature if they ever believe a
fact we are reporting is in error. The students, of course,
are free to use the feature for other things, sometimes
just to say hello.

Yesterday, we received the following:

I thought that the Pacific ocean was the smallest ocean in the world. But I'm in 8th Grade and I thought I knew lots of things. Thank you for your efforts and teaching me things like the fact above.

Sincerely, AStudent

Dear AStudent,

Thank you for letting us know that we are helping. We are excited to be a part of your education.

Our goal is to help you know, retain, and recall over 30,000 facts by the time you are graduated from HomeSchool.

Facts matter.

Knowing the difference between the world's largest and the world's smallest ocean matters.

In the future, when you hear of events, activities, and actions that occurred on these oceans you will be a better student. You will be a better student because you are bringing existing knowledge with you. This actually makes it easier to learn new things, it also makes it more fun.

I am not making this up.

Test me on it next year, the more facts you learn this year, the more fun it becomes to learn new facts next year!

Knowing facts helps you think. It helps you think creative new thoughts about what you are learning. Learning new facts, by reading and studying, is how you become a brilliant student.

No big secret really, but it is amazing how few people have learned this simple trick. Of course, you have to do more than just learn the new facts, you also have to be able to retain and recall them. That is where HomeSchool Advantage comes in, we help you retain and recall new facts for years.

Thank you for writing. And please feel free to drop us a note whenever you feel like it, we enjoy hearing from you.

-The HomeSchool Advantage Team

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