Thursday, December 9, 2010

Improved Review Schedule

We made an important change to HomeSchoolAdvantage this morning. We improved the review schedule for when to quiz a student on a fact.

We found that as facts moved into higher mastery levels students were forgetting them too frequently. So, we added more reviews into our review schedule and we adjusted the spacing between reviews.

We added more boxes to the Rate A Fact widget to reflect the additional reviews in the new schedule. We also changed the popup microhelp strings for the Rate A Fact widget.

Hopefully, students will not notice the change at all. They will simply find it easier to learn new facts over time.

Logging In Bug Report

We made some changes last night to HomeSchoolAdvantage and unfortunately the STUDENTS login button currently incorretly leads to the PARENTS login page.

Your students can still login from the parents page, so have them login with their student account from the parents page until we get the button fixed.

They will see their normal student account once they login.