Thursday, February 18, 2010

Australia States and Capitals - New Course

As I look out the window and see snow, I can't help but think that really we should move our HomeSchoolAdvantage headquarters to Australia for at least part of the year.

I have Australia in my mind, because we have just added a new course on Australian States, Territories, and Capitals. It is a relatively short course that does not contain the smaller Australian territorial islands. For the larger Australian States and Territories, native English speakers will find the names familiar and easy to , so we also encourage students in the United States to add this content to their existing Geography studies. It is located in the 400 level column under Oceania.

430 - Australia
States and Capitals

Of course, as always, the course is Free to Members. Australian residents (and others) may elect to assign this course at a younger age. For much of Geography that concerns itself entirely with the names of places and things, the distribution across levels is to distribute the work over time. It does not represent any inherent difficulty in the material.

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