If a student does not know the basics then they may not really understand the meaning of more advanced concepts they are learning. If a student knows that Sudan is in the Northern Hemisphere but does not know the definition of the Northern Hemisphere then their knowledge is incomplete.
Many students fail to grasp a subject because they do not fully know the basics.
There are a lot of basics and most of us are missing thousands of them in each and every subject. HomeSchoolAdvantage was created to change that!
We have added two new basic courses today. The two new courses are:
110 - Earth Basics
Definitions of the Equator, Northern and Southern Hemisphere, and more!
450 - Periodic Table Basics
Definitions of Groups, Periods, and Atomic Number, and more!
110 - Earth Basics
Definitions of the Equator, Northern and Southern Hemisphere, and more!
450 - Periodic Table Basics
Definitions of Groups, Periods, and Atomic Number, and more!
We will continue to add more basics at each subject level.
Of course, if an older student is taking a 100 level basics course the student may already know many of them quite well. When this is the case, the student should simply delete the facts they already know. For example, if a student already knows that the convention for most maps is to put North at the top of the map the the student should delete that basics fact when it is encountered.
Deleting the 100 level basic fact a student already knows is preferable to skipping the 100 level basics entirely, because it is almost guaranteed that even advanced students will discover some lower level basics that they never learned or that they did not retain and cannot recall.
HomeSchool Advantage makes it possible to retain and recall it all.
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