Friday, April 30, 2010

Yes There Will Be More Canadian Content

Canadian HomeSchool Advantage users have been asking us if we plan to add more Canadian content to HomeSchoolAdvantage.

The answer is YES.

And we encourage our students in the United States to take the Canadian Courses too! All US citizens should learn more about our most important neighbor, friend, and trading partner to the North.... well, to the North and to the South East.

We have assigned one of our volunteers to create Canadian content on Prime Ministers, Canadian Government, Key Dates in Canadian Political History, and the Canadian Flag.

We have already created courses on Canadian Provinces, Capitals, and Borders.

Please post here additional ideas for new Canadian Courses. If there is content or a table in wikipedia (or another on-line source) you would like us to include, please send us a link to that specific content.

Go Canada!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

24 Additional Geography Terms

We have added 24 additional terms to the Geography curriculum in a new 350 level course on Earth Basics. By the time the student gets to this point in the curriculum they will know hundreds of states and capitals and around 70 geography terms.

Sample terms to learn include: Archipelago, Estuary, Fjord, Geyser, and Isthmus.

Parents - To assign these and other terms to your student goto the student assignments page and select 350 - Earth Basics. This course will appear in your students curriculum plan after they have completed all of the lower number Geography courses that you have assigned.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

1500 SAT Vocabulary Words and Counting

The SAT Vocabulary Curriculum is now up to 1500 words. These words are also important to learn for those studying for the GRE. Math Problem: If a student adds 4 SAT words a day to their vocabulary starting at 12 years old, how many word will have been learned by the time they are 18?

Answer: Over 8760 (perhaps 8,766 depending on leap years). Interestingly enough, this is the number of vocabulary words we plan to have in our SAT and GRE courses combined.

Monday, April 19, 2010

New Spelling Contractions Course

I can not wait to turn can not into can't.

HomeSchoolAdvantage turned on a new course today, "Spelling - 230 Spelling Contractions." This new course contains spelling contractions that every speller should know such as can't, didn't, shouldn't, we've, they've, and you've. The course contains over 40 contractions.

An essential addition to any spelling curriculum, this new course is FREE TO MEMBERS! Now, are there any spelling errors in this post?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

NEW SAT Vocabulary Course

SAT Vocabulary curriculum is now here! We have uploaded today the first of a series of SAT Vocabulary Words courses. The most frequently used words are in this first course. We suggest for advanced students that they start reviewing these words while in middle school.

The list of words to review will ultimately be over 5000 words. We introduce 5 new words at a time in this course. If the student already knows a word well they should rate it as being well know the very first time they see it in a question, or they should suppress the fact altogether.

We are delighted to provide this tool to help raise your child's SAT score by 100 points or more, while equipping them with a rich vocabulary they can carry into adulthood.

We advise that the student do a google article search on new words that they do not know, and that they read at least a sentence or two of the article that includes that new word. It is really fun to see a word that you are learning listed in an article in today's paper somewhere in the world. For example, searching boisterous today in google news produces:

Reading each new word in three or four articles will help ground that word and its usage for the student. Have fun growing your vocabulary!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What is the difference between a Mesa and a Cape?

Do you know the difference between a Mesa and a Cape? Do your students? Teach your students 24 geography terms that they should know by the time they graduate from homeschool.

Our new course, 250 - Earth Basics. makes it easy!

This course contains the following twenty-four terms - Atoll, Bay, Bog, Brook, Canal, Cape, Cave, Cove, Creek, Delta, Forest, Gulf, Hill, Lake, Marsh, Mesa, Moor, Plain, Pond, Reef, River, Sea, Swamp, Valley.

This course is free to members.