Friday, January 15, 2010

Deleting Facts and Changing Your Score

If you have been on HomeSchool Advantage you know that we have had a busy holiday season. The hundreds of new users have pushed us to continually enhance and improve our service. Every day you make the service better!

Last night we increased the size of the quiz button bar, making the buttons bigger and easier to press. We also removed unused buttons, and made other buttons easier to understand. Did you know you can permanently delete a fact and even change your score?

  • To delete a fact you no longer want to see, press the delete button on the menu bar.
  • To give yourself credit for a wrong answer, simply press the check button in the menu bar.
  • To let us know you got an answer right just because you were lucky, press the X button on the menu bar.
  • To peek at an answer you don't know and schedule it again for tomorrow, press the eye button in the menu bar.
These changes were inspired by user feedback and requests. Additional requests and reports have also led us to make the following improvements:

  • We have fixed several display errors where text was wrapping poorly making it difficult to read in some browsers.
  • We have fixed six troublesome images in the US Flags, British Isles, and Organic Chemistry courses that were not displaying as they should have.
  • We have made it more difficult to accidentally cause an action to be performed multiple times (specifically adding more facts).
HomeSchool Advantage is getting better every day thanks to you. If you find a problem or have a request for a feature or some new course just press the message button (envelope icon) in HomeSchool Advantage and tell us what your saw or what you need. Sometimes little problems are resolved within the hour.

If you had a bug that stopped you from using the trial version please try us again! We will reset your trial version to 30 full days if you send us a message. The large influx of users in December pushed us to resolve every open issue we know of, so we believe you will have a good experience. If you are the first person to report a problem to us, we will give you an extra 30 days free, plus 30 free days for each and every bug you find first, even if it is just a typo!

